she her 21+ brazilian lesbian
occasionally i draw and write. mostly, i play dungeons & dragons.
LIKES D&D, bts, dragon age, ffxiv, all things fantasy, horror and writing.
DISLIKES imperalism, terfs, anti-communism.
#intropost #myocs #campaigns @tumblr

CAMPAIGN calamities
#playlist college of lore bard lvl 15 player
SETTING wildemount (post-vm)
GENRE high fantasy
STATUS ongoing
CAMPAIGN coroa rubra
#playlist necromancy wizard lvl 5 player
SETTING homebrew
GENRE high fantasy
CHARACTER #caelum dmitriyev
STATUS ongoing
on hiatus / completed
CAMPAIGN legacy of vengeance
#playlist gunslinger fighter lvl 20 player
SETTING wildemount (a. m9)
GENRE high fantasy
STATUS completed
CAMPAIGN unbound
#playlist Master of Ceremonies
SETTING westeros (asoiaf)
GENRE epic fantasy
STATUS ongoing
CAMPAIGN cogs in the machine
#playlist peace domain cleric jedi master lvl 10 player
SETTING star wars universe (circa clone wars)
GENRE science fantasy
STATUS on hiatus
ongoing campaigns
Aivaan Andra
he him 27 xhorhassian/marquesian soulknife rogue
STATUS alive (consecuted)
CAMPAIGN calamities
“But you have to satisfy the monster. The monster has loved you for longer than anyone else.”
Caelum Dmtriyev
he him 23 imperial necromancy wizard
STATUS alive
CAMPAIGN coroa rubra
"And I, in my corner, with my monstrous needs."
no longer active
they them 112 xhorhassian circle of stars druid/arcana domain cleric
STATUS undead (hollow one)
CAMPAIGN the horror from beyond | calamities
"It is the destiny of stars to collapse."
he him 40 zemnian gunslinger fighter
CAMPAIGN legacy of vengeance (wildemount)
"Now, do not misunderstand me; when I call myself a shell I mean–a used up bullet casing. As in, the aftermath of something lethal. As in, an echo of inflicted evil."
Adriano Doran
he him 25 xhorhassian inquisitive rogue/echo knight
STATUS alive in aivaan (consecuted)
CAMPAIGN death from beyond | calamities
"It was a mistake to keep the single knife in my heart for so long, but it is my knife, and my heart, too.”
Lix Tetrax
she her age unknown diathim
cleric (peace domain) jedi master
STATUS alive (light side)
CAMPAIGN cogs in the machine
"All governments suffer a recurring problem: power attracts pathological personalities. It is not that power corrupts but that it is magnetic to the corruptible.”
all commissions are for personal use only. no NFTs or AIs.
i reserve the right to post the art commissioned on my own social media accounts, if you wish to keep your piece private, a flat charge of 15% of the price will be required.
photos, drawings and descriptions for reference are all helpful.
two to three weeks turnaround (may vary) for character sheets and portraits.
5 business days turnaround for chibi.
you'll receive a sketch within 10 days for approval, for ch sheets and portraits, and 2 for chibi.
CONTACT AND MORE INFO refer to the commission form.
PAYMENTS fullprepayment through ko-fi or paypal.

dnd character sheet
3000DPI white background + transparent PNG of items and full body.
2-3 days turnaround (may vary)
no non-humanoid characters (such as tabaxi or dragonborn).
for more examples, click here

rendered portrait
fully rendered character portrait with 3000DPI white background
only humanoids.
1-3 weeks turnaround.

6 chibi pack or 1 one chibi
$45 | $10
3000DPI white background + transparent PNG file of each chibi.
extra chibi may be added with a +$5 fee each.
only humanoids, tabaxi and dragonborn.
1-2 weeks turnaroud for chibi packs. 5 days for one chibi.
for more examples, click here